Ticks are eight-legged, parasitic arachnids, and are related to spiders, mites, and scorpions. Ticks are wingless and have a singular oval-shaped body region. Their heads have a pair of sensory structures (palps) to help them locate hosts and a cutting structure (chelicerae) that cuts into the skin of their host. They also anchor themselves on their host to feed using a barbed structure (hypostome).
Deer ticks are brownish-orange with distinctive darker-colored legs. Before feeding, adult ticks are about the size of a sesame seed. They are called deer ticks because their preferred host is the deer. In addition to deer, they also feed on a wide variety of other animal hosts and people.
Lone star ticks are reddish-brown and turn a slate gray color after feeding. Female lone star ticks have one white spot on their backs. Males have multiple smaller white spots. Males also have white lines around the top edge of their bodies. This species of ticks enjoy larger hosts like people, deer, and dogs, rather than smaller hosts like rodents.
Capable of spreading many diseases to both people and animals, ticks are dangerous pests. Blacklegged ticks are responsible for transmitting Lyme disease—caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. Lone Star ticks spread diseases like tularemia and ehrlichiosis.
Ticks are difficult to control because they are continuously introduced onto properties by wild animals. They are not capable of flying or jumping, so they move from place to place on the backs of their host. Once on your property, they hide and wait in dense, damp areas for a new host to happen by that they can attach themselves to.
Ticks are outdoor pests, and most do not thrive inside because they can’t complete their life cycle indoors. Most species need to lay their eggs in damp soil for them to be able to develop and hatch. Ticks rest in tall grass, wooded areas, at the edges of wooded paths, in thick vegetation, along the edges of ponds and lakes, along road ditches, and next to fence lines.
Locally owned and family-operated, Averse Pest Control near Eagle, ID is the best choice to get rid of ticks from your home or business. We offer fast response times and peace of mind knowing that your pest problems will be solved, and they won’t return. Our experienced pest control professionals provide top-quality pest control services using the latest and most effective products to eliminate ticks from Eagle properties. Discover why your neighbors choose Averse Pest Control for their pest control needs. Give us a call today!
Prevent problems with ticks by partnering with Averse Pest Control and by implementing the following prevention tips:
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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.
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