How To Identify Pests on Your Boise Property

Have you ever looked at a bug and wondered what it may be? Is it a beetle? Or maybe a type of spider? What kind of bug is it, and how do I get rid of it? Many insects look very similar, making them hard to identify. Insects do share many similar characteristics, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Luckily for us, there are key identifiers in each pest that can help us determine what type of insect it is.

General Insect Anatomy

An insect has three pairs of legs (total = 6) and three distinct body parts. An insect also normally has a pair of antennae, two pairs of wings, and eyes and mouthparts adapted especially for its specific lifestyle.

The three main insect body parts are head, thorax, and abdomen. The head contains the antennae, eyes, and mouthparts. The thorax is the middle body part to which the legs and wings are attached. The abdomen contains digestive and reproductive organs internally and often reproductive structures externally. The sides of both the thorax and the abdomen are lined with tiny openings called spiracles, through which an insect obtains oxygen.

What Makes Each Bug Different?

Each bug has some distinct characteristic that can help differentiate it from other insects. Here are some bugs common to Idaho and their individual characteristics:

  • Beetles: the first pair of their wings is hardened and thickened. This protects them from harm.
  • Ants: their antennae are bent, and they have a distinct body shape. Each body segment is clearly distinguishable from the others, and the head is usually fairly large.
  • Elm seed beetle: they have a reddish orange abdomen.
  • Boxelder bug: larger than the elm seed beetle, their bodies and wings are outlined in distinct red lines.
  • Wasps: you probably can already distinguish a wasp from other pests. Wasps have smooth bodies that are typically yellow and black.
  • Bees: they are rounder than wasps with fuzzy, hairy bodies.

We have lots of pests around here, so the need for pest control in Boise is definitely there. Even though we don't deal with the exact same species that say, Texas, would have, we still have unique pest pressures and help homeowners to feel peace of mind.

Spiders and Mites

Spiders and other arachnids, like mites, differ from insects. While they are still nuisance pests, they are not actually considered insects. They are classified under a completely different biological class. The biggest difference you may notice between arachnids and insects is their body segments. While insects have three body segments, arachnids only have two body segments - the cephalothorax (the head and thorax combined) and the abdomen. As you may have seen, spiders and their relatives have 8 legs as opposed to 4. Additionally, arachnids don’t have antennae or wings like insects do.

There are many species of arachnids, and each of these have characteristics that make them different from others. Here are a few, along with their characteristics:

  • Spiders: while there are many different types of spiders, most of them have 8 eyes.
  • Spider mites: you usually find these on house plants
  • Clover mites: these are very small, and red in color. Their front legs are longer than all of their other legs.
  • Chiggers: nearly impossible to see with the human eye

What If I Still Don’t Know What Bug It Is?

Don’t worry if you can’t figure out exactly what type of bug is invading your home. With the help of our trained and experienced technicians at Averse Pest Control, you can determine exactly what pest you are dealing with. At Averse Pest Control, we offer fast response times and peace of mind knowing that your pest problems will be solved, and they won’t return.

How Do I Get Rid of Bugs?

If bugs are a problem on your property, it is important to contact a pest control professional. At Averse Pest Control, we provide the services needed to get rid of pests from your yard and home. Locally owned and family-operated, Averse Pest Control is the best choice to get rid of pests from your home or business.


To eliminate pests from Boise properties, our experienced professionals provide top-quality pest control services using the latest and most effective products. Discover why your neighbors choose Averse Pest Control for their pest control needs. Reach out to us today!

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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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