One of the most common species of spiders living indoors with people is the house spider. House spiders have an elongated abdomen and are a yellowish-brown color. On their body and legs are darker stripes that meet at an angle. Like all spiders, house spiders have two body segments, eight legs, and do not have antennae or wings. House spiders are a type of web-building spider; they use their webs to rest and to capture their prey.
A type of predator, house spiders are dangerous for their insect prey, but they are not a danger to people. The venom they possess is only strong enough to paralyze insects but is not strong enough to cause problems in people. Spiders prefer to stay out of sight and only bite if they are feeling trapped or otherwise in danger.
House spiders are annoying pests to deal with, and the constant building and abandoning of nests throughout your home can be frustrating. Multiplying quickly, just a couple of house spiders can turn into many house spiders fast.
House spiders are in your Eagle home because either they followed their prey inside or want a safe place to lay their eggs. House spiders, before moving into your home, were living close by in garden areas, shrubs, bushes, and in piles of organic debris.
As spiders follow their prey, they move indoors through spaces they find around windows and doors, through exterior walls, in holes in the roofline or any other entry point they discover.
House spiders are great climbers and place their webs in the corners of walls, windows, and doorways. They prefer to live in areas inside a home with higher humidity levels, and you’ll often find them in the corners of bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, and basements.
Locally-owned and family-operated, Averse Pest Control is the best choice to get rid of house spiders from your home or business. We offer fast response times and peace of mind knowing that your pest problems will be solved, and they won’t return. Our experienced professionals provide top-quality pest control services using the latest and most effective products to eliminate house spiders from Eagle properties. Discover why your neighbors choose Averse Pest Control for their pest control needs. Give us a call today!
Prevent problems with house spiders by partnering with Averse Pest Control and by implementing the following prevention tips:
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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.
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