What Happens to Bugs in the Winter?

Have you ever wondered what bugs do during the winter? Do they die because of the cold weather? Or do they stay in their nests? Do they maybe come inside the house? Surprisingly, not all bugs die during the cold winter months. In fact, many live through the winter until spring comes with warmer temperatures. Here is everything you need to know about overwinter bugs, and how to get rid of them.

Overwintering Bugs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do bugs hibernate?

Many insects hibernate as adults. Lady bird beetles are a well-known example, and are sometimes seen in great numbers in the fall as they congregate at high elevations. Many large wasps seek shelter in the eaves and attics of houses or barns. Tree holes, leaf litter, and under logs and rocks are common shelters for overwintering adult insects. The Mourning Cloak Butterfly is usually the first butterfly that is noticed in the Spring, and this is because it hibernates in tree holes or other shelters during the winter. 

Insects that are
inactive during the winter months undergo a state in which their growth, development, and activities are suspended temporarily, with a metabolic rate that is high enough to keep them alive. This dormant condition is termed diapause. In comparison, vertebrates undergo hibernation, during which they have minor activity and add tissues to their bodies.

How do bugs survive the cold?

In general, insects are able to survive cold temperatures easiest when the temperatures are stable, not fluctuating through alternate thaws and freezes. Many insects can gain shelter and nourishment through the winter in a variety of microhabitats. Among these niches are under the soil, inside the wood of logs and trees, and even in plant galls.

Blankets of snow benefit insects by insulating the ground and keeping the temperature surprisingly constant. Dropping temperatures does not mean that all bugs will die. Bugs move to other places in order to keep warm all winter long.

Honeybees have been studied during the winter and are found to remain semi-active in hollow trees through the generation of body heat. The consumption of up to 30 pounds of stored honey during the winter months makes this possible. Heat energy is produced by the oxidation of the honey, and circulated throughout the hive by the wing-fanning of worker bees. Honey bees stay in hives during the winter, and form clusters when temperatures fall. They also are able to raise the temperature by vibrating wing muscles.

Where do overwintering bugs go in the winter?

During the winter, bugs go to the places that will keep them warm. These places can be both outside and inside your home. While you may not see the bugs, they are still there. Common places bugs go during the winter include:

  • Under logs and rocks
  • Tree holes
  • Attics and roof eaves
  • Underground
  • Crawl spaces
  • Behind exterior siding

Why are overwintering bugs bad?

Hibernating pests don’t seem like a huge problem burning the winter because they typically don’t bother you inside your home. However, overwintering bugs cause major problems as soon as the temperature starts to rise. Increasing temperatures in the spring cause all of the bugs that have been hiding under rocks, in the ground, and in your house to come out. If pests are not taken care of during the winter, you will see an influx of bug activity in the Spring. Having regular winter pest control services during the winter is the best way to prevent major infestations of pests in the spring.

How do I get rid of overwintering bugs?

Locally owned and family-operated, Averse Pest Control is the best choice to get rid of overwintering bugs from your home or business. We offer fast response times and peace of mind knowing that your pest problems will be solved, and they won’t return. Our experienced pest professionals provide top-quality pest control services using the latest and most effective products to eliminate overwintering bugs from Boise properties. Discover why your neighbors choose Averse Pest Control for their pest control needs. Give us a call today!

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