Fly Season in Idaho: Tips for Keeping Flies Out of Your House

Late summer and Fall is fly season here in Idaho. Flies love warm weather and have spent all summer breeding and increasing their numbers. This means that you will likely notice a major increase in flies in your home during the months of August and September. These pests are not only annoying, but they can contaminate food and spread harmful germs. Luckily, we have all the tips and tricks to help with your Boise pest control needs.

Common Idaho Fly Species

There are many different types of flies in the Boise area, but the two most common problems are house flies and fruit flies. Both of these species can be particularly bad during the late summer and fall months. 

House Flies

House flies (musca domestica) are extremely common throughout the Treasure Valley and the rest of the country. They are also known as filth or garbage flies because they breed and lay eggs in decaying organic matter, feces, etc. House flies are attracted by garbage, rotting meat, dead animals, and other decaying material. Since they live in very unsanitary conditions, they can pick up and transport germs and bacteria to your kitchen and dining areas. 

House flies are approximately 6-7 mm long with a gray or black body and 4 dark longitudinal strips down their backs. They have translucent wings with a yellow tinge at the base. 

Fruit Flies

As the name suggests, fruit flies (drosophila melanogaster) are extremely common when ripe produce, like fruits and vegetables, are most prevalent around our yards. They will breed and lay eggs in the decaying produce. They are also attracted to sugary substances, slimy drains and garbage disposals, trash cans, and areas of moisture.

Fruit flies are small flies that are usually only 3-4 mm long. They typically have red eyes with an abdomen that is black on top and gray underneath. Fruit flies can seemingly appear out of nowhere and increase in population extremely quickly.

How to Keep Flies Out of the House

Flies can be a huge bother, but if you know the right prevention strategies, you can keep them from getting too frustrating. Basic fly control involves getting rid of their breeding grounds and sealing your home to prevent them from entering. Here are some solutions for your Idaho fly struggles:

  • Take out the trash regularly
  • Keep trash cans clean and covered
  • Clean up pet feces from your yard
  • Clean up fruits and vegetables that have ripened and fallen on the ground
  • Throw out any rotting food
  • Keep doors and windows closed and make sure that screens are intact
  • Use weatherstripping and/or door sweeps 
  • Make sure that there are no leaky pipes or faucets inside or outside your home
  • Sanitize your garbage disposal and keep drains clean
  • Use fly traps or hire professionals to apply insecticides

Professional Pest Control

If you are struggling with flies or other pests, the experts at Averse Pest Control can help. We are a locally owned and operated company, so we understand the common pest problems in the valley and care about our neighbors and customers. For the best pest control in Nampa, Caldwell, Kuna, Meridian, and Boise, contact us today!

About Us


Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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